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Wizards of the Coast

Magic: The Gathering Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Commander Deck - Dungeons of Death

Magic: The Gathering Adventures in The Forgotten Realms Commander Deck - Dungeons of Death

Regular price $45.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $45.99 CAD
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Choose Your Commander

Four adventurers have set out to make a name for themselves on the Sword Coast—the warlock Prosper, the paladin Galea, the barbarian Vrondiss, and the wizard Sefris. Who will you join in their quest for fortune and glory?

2 Traditional Foils

Every Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Deck contains two traditional foil cards—one foil commander card and one featured foil legendary creature, including characters you may recognize from Forgotten Realms lore.


Venture into the Forgotten Realms’ deepest dungeons with Sefris. Emerge with a powerful army of undead and drag your opponents to their doom.


Mind flayer Nihiloor serves as a spymaster for Xanathar, beholder crime lord of Waterdeep. It spends much of its time creating intellect devourers—brain-like creatures that can inhabit the skulls of humanoids and transform them into puppet-spies.

Dungeons of Death includes one traditional foil Nihiloor, plus one nonfoil Minn, a Gnome Wizard and master of illusion who delights in the company of her semi-imaginary friends.

About this item

  • 100-card ready-to-play Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Commander deck

  • Deck includes 2 traditional foils + 98 nonfoil cards

  • 1 foil etched Display Commander

  • 10 double-sided tokens + life tracker and deck box

  • Reduced-plastic packaging

  • Beloved Dungeons & Dragons heroes and monsters have ventured into Magic for the ultimate crossover!

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